Pancake Breakfast Sandwich with Impossible “sausage”

Lessen Meat Consumption

This breakfast sandwich will not disappoint.


  • Make little pancakes. These are about 3 inches wide, or a little larger than a slider.
  • Fry up some Impossible breakfast sausage. I like the spicy variety.
  • While sausage is finishing, add some cheddar cheese to melt.
  • Fry an egg.

Construct! Stack all items between little pancakes. Add ketchup and tabasco, if you like.


Avocado Toast PLUS

Don’t pay $18. Make this and spend about $3.

Avocado Toast with Egg
Avocado Toast with Egg (that’s the PLUS)

Start to finish, this excellent breakfast should take about 5 minutes to prepare.


  • Slice of any bread of your choice (this one was a seeded wheat)
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 5 cherry tomatoes, sliced in half
  • 1 egg
  • 1 TBSP butter
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Cumin (optional)


I first gather my ingredients. Slice the avocado. Slice tomatoes. Get my trusty egg pan and silicone spatula. Begin warming the butter in the pan. Use a medium to low heat. When the butter is melted, add the tomatoes to allow them soften and get warm. Once they are ready, about 2 minutes, remove to the side. Crack your egg into the same pan. If you dare, go now and drop your toast in your toaster. I like 3 minutes for a pretty brown toast. The time may vary by toaster. Return to your egg. If you are making a fried egg, I go ahead and bust the yolk at this point. You want it to spread through the white, but not make a scrambled egg. Salt and pepper as you like, then flip. With a total cook time of 3 minutes, your egg should be done.

It’s time to assemble. Slather the 1/2 avocado onto the toast. Salt and pepper. I actually add a little cumin, as well. I love the extra earthy flavor bomb it provides. In my photo, you see that I dropped my cooked eggs and tomatoes into a bowl. I wanted to dip my toast in the egg, as I made it over easy on that day. You may like to pile all ingredients onto your toast?

However you build yours, I hope you have had fun! Enjoy. And please feel free to comment.

It’s basically a pig in a blanket

Today, I woke up craving pancakes. I ended up truly impressing myself by throwing together this fun breakfast “sandwich”.

  • Contents:
  • Small pancake – see recipe below
  • 1 egg over-easy
  • 2 strips of bacon
  • Optional: syrup and/or ketchup
  • A must (for me) Tabasco! This set will jazz up your pepper sauce life.

Pancake Recipe

  • 3/4 cup all purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup Bob’s wheat germ (nice sweet, earthy, healthy)
  • 2 TBSP softened butter
  • 1 egg
  • tsp salt
  • pinch of nutmeg
  • 2 tsp cinnamon – I like cinnamon
  • 1 TBSP sugar
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • Milk, about 1/2 cup


Start by warming a pan to medium hot.

I wanted to reduce dirty dishes, so I only used one bowl for this pancake mix. I added the egg and scrambled a bit, then slowly added the slightly warmed butter. Note: You just want it to be soft, not hot. You don’t cook the egg. I mixed those up with a whisk, then started adding all of the dry ingredients, seasoning and spices. Once all ingredients were in the bowl, I started with the milk. Add milk until you reach the desired consistency you want to work with. I did not want large, nor too fluffy of a pancake. I added milk until my mixture was was a about as thick as sour cream.

Add some oil or butter to your warm pan/skillet. Pour in your mix. Cook until the batter begins to bubble. Depending on how hot your pan is, you may want to turn the cake over sooner rather that later to avoid burning. If your flipped cake looks GBD (golden, brown, delicous), you can cook the other side about 1 minute and your pancake should be done.

Most importantly. Have fun.

The reason I say that I impressed myself is in regard to the pancake. I am not a trained chef. I just love to cook. As time passes and my experience with cooking devlopes, I realize more and more that I have great intuition when it comes to cooking. I did not look up a recipe, I just threw all of these items together based on my knowledge. These pancakes were really excellent. Since I did not measure any of this, I hope my “recipe” works well for you. Please let me know how it goes if you try.

Once my pancakes, bacon and egg were ready, I was could not wait to dig in, but managed to snap the photo before inhaling. I chose to take my pancake and bacon wrap and dip it into my runny yolk. I had ketchup under the egg and Tabasco on top. Delicious! Enjoy!