About Me

Hello There. I’m Stephanie, the face and flavor behind Pepper Backs It. You might be wondering, “Who’s Pepper?” That’s me, too. As a child, my beloved Grandma Pat called me “Peppermint.” As I grew older, I shortened the nickname to Pepper. It became a truly valued alter ego as my cooking life flourished and I realized how much I adore the spice, pepper.  I also just love spicy food. Pepper Backs It stands for my passion project, where casual home cooking meets learning and sharing.

Sharing is a gratifying practice to me. Throughout my life, I have had many opportunities to coach, mentor, advise people. Helping people learn is kind of like a talent of mine, I guess. Here at Pepper Backs It, I hope to share some recipes, nifty quick meals, and general kitchen wisdom I’ve accumulated over the years. Please know this site is not all about recipes; I also delve into the ‘why’ and ‘how’ so you can cook smarter, not harder. I will mix life stories with a bit of science behind the food we enjoy daily. The kitchen is my laboratory, and I want to pass along the “eureka” discoveries that make cooking a delightful experience. Whether you’re a kitchen newbie or a seasoned cook looking for a fresh perspective, you’re in the right place.

Ultimately, I seek satisfaction for my soul. I hope you will join along and find satisfaction for your soul, as well.

From Disappointment to Discovery: My Food Philosophy

I was once like you, facing the kitchen with a mix of hope and hesitation. I started cooking at home many years ago, driven by disappointment with restaurants that too often left me underwhelmed or, even worse, unwell from foodborne illnesses.

You’re probably asking, ‘Why does that matter?’ Here’s why: each unsatisfying meal was a nudge towards the stove, each bout of illness a reminder of the hidden hazards in my favorite dishes. These experiences weren’t just setbacks; they were my call to culinary arms.

In my opinion, cooking at home offers an element of control that dining out can’t match. It invites you to interact intimately with your ingredients, to understand the whys and hows of each recipe. I find this process empowering.

I’ve found joy and pride in perfecting the classics, experimenting with flavors, and occasionally (let’s be honest, frequently), surprising myself with the results. Now, I’m here to help you do the same.

So what’s the essence of my food philosophy? It’s simple: make it delicious, make it safe, and make it an experience to savor. Through my journey, I’ve honed a collection of recipes that I can’t wait to share with you.

As we continue to learn and grow together, I promise to feed not just our bellies but our curiosity for food science and the techniques that elevate our home cooking. I really believe that everyone deserves to cook with confidence and to enjoy meals that are a true reflection of their taste and care.

Tune in to Pepper’s Picks: Tested Trusty Tools & Treats

Bonus prize content! I’m not just here to showcase my favorite recipes, I’m here to cut through the clutter and get you straight to the good stuff. That’s right, I take time out of my schedule to rigorously test and select kitchen tools and ingredients that I truly believe in – because I want you to experience the best in your culinary adventures, and beyond.

If you’ve ever felt lost in the aisles of a kitchen store, wondering which gadgets are worth your hard-earned money, then you’re exactly where you need to be. My kitchen is your kitchen, and I’m constantly on the lookout for products that are not just good, but great. It’s not just about making a meal, it’s about making a statement with tools and treats that stand the test of time and taste.

Here’s a little secret: I never intended to become the go-to person for kitchen advice. But after seeing the impact of my recommendations on my coworkers and friends – how a simple suggestion can turn into a kitchen revolution for them, I knew I had to share what I’ve learned with a wider audience. Think of me as your culinary curator, filter, and friend. I’m here backing it all up with experience and passion.

Finally, I want our journey in Pepper Backs It to be bright, delightful, and, most importantly, fun! Cooking is a celebration of flavors, life, and togetherness. Let’s make sure every time we step into the kitchen it’s with a smile, ready for an adventure. Remember, I’m here with you every step of the way, sharing knowledge, excitement, and maybe even a few laughs. Here we GO! Roll up your sleeves, grab your favorite apron, and let’s create some fantastic food memories together!

As I hone in on the direction I want this site to go, I will feature various topics and products. I have no desire to try to compete with online chefs. I am literally simply sharing my life.

Remember: We are seeking satisfaction for our souls.

Pepper, aka, Stephanie