Epiphany of the day

Hey there! I was trying to make use of some inherited can beans today. My first order of business was to make refried beans to add to some mole that I had made previously. Had burrito in mind! Then, I realized that refried beans and bean dip are basically the same thing. Yes? No?

Refried Beans < = > Bean dip???

Funny how those little concepts just pop into your mind at times. I thought it was fun.

What did I do? Here’s the Recipe

  • Rinse beans (optional)
  • 1 tsp Chicken base
  • 2 TBS water
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp garlic powder

Just heat over medium heat. Mash up with potato masher or fork. Simmer down until desired consistency. ENJOY!

Beans for refried bean preparation
Beans for refried bean preparation. Beans straight out the can. These are called European Soldiers. The final product was rich and excellent.

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